Top Robert Burns Quotes for Burns Night 2018

The world celebrates the famous Scottish poet, Robert Burns in the form of Burns Night. Known as Bard of Ayrshire, Robert Burns is a pioneer of Romantic Movement in poetry and also an inspiration for socialism and Liberalism. Robert Burns Quotes have much insight to offer on human feelings of love, pain, death and anxiety.
Burns Night Quotes  2018

The stuff is worth making a reader sway in amusement. The Burns Night 2018 is just approaching on January 25. On the birthday of their favorite poet, readers must go through these inspirational Robert Burn Quotes.
On Love 
Robert Burns has credit to take the romanticism on a whole new level through the poetry. The following quote from his masterpiece Ae Fond Kiss and Then We Sever reads:
“But to see her was to love her, Love but her, And love forever.”
Giving Tribute to the Best Friend on His Death 
Robert Burns Quotes are famous for being a light of hope for every person. They offer a straightforward language to express the feelings. In his poem on ‘On My Friend and On My Father’s Friend’ Robert Burns pays tribute to his friend who has died, in beautiful words.
“If there’s another world, he lives in bliss; If there is none, He made the best of This. 
On Conscience of a Man
Human conscience is a matter of debate. If you want to start some heated discussion on Burns Night 2018 eve, then consider the related Robert Burns Quotes. He goes against the odds to defend the human conscience which remains masked for conforming to the standards of this society.
In one such quote, Burns says,
There is nothing in the whole frame of man which seems to me so unaccountable as that thing called conscience.
On Being a Scottish Bard 
Let’s admit that many of us lack the confidence to explain or desires. In fact, we feel shy about endorsing our achievements in public. But, Robert Burns is a rare person who loves to pat himself for receiving the titles he wished. Expressing his feeling on the title of Bard of Ayrshire, Burns said,
“The appellation of a Scottish Bard is so far my highest pride; to continue to deserve it is my most exalted ambition.” 
Robert Burns Quotes on Suspicion
Robert Burns Quotes reveal that the poet doesn’t feel so happy about suspicion and the suspense. He says,
“Suspense is worse than Disappointment.” 
On harshness of Suspicion,
“Suspicion is a heavy armor, and with its weight, it impedes more than it protects.”


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